Self Service Management


This article will provide an overview of managing self-service enrollment once the self-service enrollment session has been opened and enrollment started.

Tracking Progress

An enrollment status report may be generated that will provide the status of the individual’s progress through self-service enrollment.

Please refer to this article for instructions on how to generate this report.

Processing Change Requests

An administrator will have to approve the individual’s self-service enrollments before the enrollments and demographic changes will show on the employee’s record.

Please refer to this article for instructions on how to process employee change requests.

Generating Confirmation Forms

If confirmation forms are configured for use on self-service, then an Administrator can generate these forms after the change requests have been approved.

Please refer to this article for how to generate the confirmation form for multiple employees.

Please refer to this article for how to generate a confirmation form directly from an individual’s record on Common Benefits.

View and Update the Self Service Enrollment Session

Please refer to this article on how to update an existing self-service enrollment session.

Manually setting a self service username and/or password

If an individual is having trouble logging onto the self-service site with their username or password after creating an account, an Administrator is able to reset a username and/or password from Common Benefits.

Please refer to this article on how to update an individual’s username and/or password.

Managing Company Documents

Company documents may be added or removed from the self-service site at any time during enrollment.

Please refer to this article on how to manage the company documents.

Sending Notifications

Notification emails may be sent at any time during self-enrollment:

Please refer to this article on how to send a system generated notification.

Please refer to this article on how to send a notification with a custom subject line and body text.

Add or Update Company Support Information

Please refer to this article on how to update the support information that displays under Help on the self-service site.