On the MetLife Voluntary Term Life Insurance page, clicking Connect under Statement of Health results in a blank pop up window. How can I complete the statement of health?
Hello Trevor, and thank you for letting us know.
I’ve found your error in our logs from last night, and I’ve let our developers know about the issue. From the error message we see, we believe that this issue is due to a service interruption on MetLife’s side, and we will reach out to them to get it corrected.
Please try again later today (this afternoon/evening). I suspect that the issue should be resolved by then.
Thank you,
-Eric Carey
I’m having the same problem, and it’s 4 months later
Connect to Statement of Health always results in a blank page
Good afternoon @primordius. I’ve just discussed this with my development team and they confirmed that the connection is active and working. Our logs show ~150 successful connections today and yesterday. We think that the issue may be a firewall or ad-blocking issue on your local machine, however I am not able to support that.
You may try briefly disabling your ad-block/firewall when connecting to the Statement of Health. Alternatively, you may contact MetLife directly and they can assist you with the health statement process. They provided a call-in number in one of the documents you see attached to the benefit.
Yes, of course, it’s not a connection issue
It’s a blank page, not a failure
The page loads the content, it’s just an empty HTML shell, so you wouldn’t see a connection failure
And nothing was blocked, I inspected the process, but surprisingly no JS or CSS files were requested let alone blocked
Just got a notice today that I’ll be receiving the Statement of Health in the mail due to the problem with the website, so I’m fine for now
Your development/qa team will need to reproduce the issue with real data, however, if they have any interest in fixing the problem
Hi @primordius. First, I’m glad that Metlife has connected with you to provide the Statement of Health.
Based on your initial report that “I’m having the same problem…”, we reviewed and confirmed that the original issue in this topic regarding a blank pop-up window was resolved (this was a service interruption on MetLife’s side which was resolved months ago). Based on your latest response, your “blank page” is not the same “blank pop up window” originally reported.
In your case, we are receiving a false negative back from MetLife’s system when we pass them your coverage details. After we sent your information to MetLife, we log them returning the following back to us:
04/19/22 07:54:22 PM EDT OnClientDataReceived SOHNotNeeded!
From our end, we see that the coverage requested would require SOH, but we don’t have any way to see why MetLife is returning the message that they are. We will reach out to MetLife about this, in hopes that they can resolve your specific use case for any future SOH connection attempts.